Thursday 13 February 2014

Half Term Assignments!

The coursework deadline is now less than a month away!! :o

You need to complete the following work over half term. Anyone falling behind or in need of extra support will be expected to attend extra sessions after half term to complete the coursework unit. Karl and I will discuss this with you in person.

Tasks to be completed over Half Term

1. Please take a few minutes to complete the Curriculum Survey: You can access this via http://students/SitePages/home.aspx using PCs, Laptops or your mobile.

Whilst your feedback is anonymous we will know who hasn't completed this survey, please can you do this ASAP as we need a 100% completion rate and your feedback is vital to us in helping you get the best out of the course.

2. Complete the first draft of the Report/Evaluation Parts one and two. Use the guidance provided on the blog to help you. You must bring either a hard copy or an electronic copy to the first class after half term.

3. Watch at least one episode of Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who (preferably the 50th Anniversary Episode - go to and make detailed notes on Genre, Narrative and Representation. Please bring these to the first class after half term as you will need your notes in class.

Please see Karl or Myself if you have any questions relating to the completion of these tasks.

Good Luck

Wednesday 12 February 2014

MS3 Evaluation - Tips

Current MS3 Production Work

1st draft deadline: 13/02/2014 (Karl's classes) 14/02/2014 (Louise's classes)

For Karl's classes if you would like written feedback on your production work please either print (in colour) or e-mail with a .jpg version of your photoshop file. This will reduce the size and ensure it can be sent through the college system, as it has an upload limit.

This can be handed in to me up to 17:45 on Thursday 13th April (during the coursework catch-up session) or e-mailed by this time to ensure I will mark it over half-term and return it to you on your first lesson back.

For Louise's classes your work will be checked over the next coursework lessons.

Here is an example of current coursework we have been working on. If you want your work uploaded to the blog to show of your technical prowess, let me know.