Tuesday 22 April 2014

The final 5 weeks!!!


To ease your exam woes, I'm going to be running revision sessions open to everyone taking the MS4. It doesn't matter if you're not in my classes, please feel free to come along.

I propose to run the sessions on Tuesday lunchtimes in 226 from next week (28/04/14) until half term where I will be running extra sessions (watch this space!)

Bring your lunch! Tuesdays in 226 1.30pm - 2.00pm.

Best wishes

Louise :)

P.s. If you are retaking the AS MS1 exam on Friday 23rd May I am running revision sessions on Monday lunchtimes, same time same place.

Friday 4 April 2014

Easter Assignments for Louise's Blocks A&G

You must complete the following activities using your TV pack for guidance. If you have misplaced your pack you can find the tasks here http://worthingcollegea2media.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/ms4-tv-pack-easter-tasks-additional.html

1. Textual Analysis: Complete the chart on page 8. Use youtube to view a selection of trailers and promos for the 3 case studies (3 hrs)

2. Website Research: Complete page 9 (2hrs)

3. Exam Planning: Complete the planning task on page 10.

4. Exam Practice: (Mock Question) Using the TV case studies, choose one question from page 11, you should aim to spend 45 minutes writing your answer.

5. You must provide evidence that you have completed tasks 1-3. Once you have completed your research and written your mock answer you must write up your notes for tasks 1-3 in an illustrated report. You may use bullet points and screen shots as long as they are properly annotated with analytical comments (2000 words). 

The work must be word processed. You may email me the work if you are unable to print off before the deadline l.kingston@worthing.ac.uk.

The deadline for this assignment is 23/4/14.

MS4 TV Pack: Easter Tasks - Additional Resources

TEXT, INDUSTRY & AUDIENCE: Textual Analysis                                                                         Page 8

Doctor Who
The Big Bang Theory
Breaking Bad
How is the genre established?

To what extent do the shows target/appeal to a range of different audiences?

Do the representations encourage identification with the audience? How?

What pleasures do the case studies offer audiences? (Uses and Gratifications)

In what ways do the shows contribute to the channel’s identity?

INDUSTRY & AUDIENCE: New Media Technologies: The Digital Era and Interactive Users     Page 9

Starting at the homepage for each case study, explore the interactive content and activities available to fans. Use both official and unofficial sites and then assess the interactivity of each text using the following questions:

·      What can fans of the programme do?

·      What is the relationship between the interactive content and the programme?

·      Who are the target audiences for the interactive content.

·      How does the interactive content gratify the audience needs? (Use the Uses and Gratifications categories as a starting point but you can adapt them or create your own as well).

Summary Task: Exam Planning.                                                                                         Page 10

With reference to Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory and Breaking Bad, consider how important individual programmes are to broadcasters’. You may wish to refer to:

·      Attracting diverse audiences
·      Public service and channel remit obligations.
·      Channel identity – scheduling, ratings, advertising and publicity.
·      Programme content, representation and identification.

Sample MS4 Exam Questions                                                                        Page 11

·     To what extent is the success of your 3 main texts dependent on stars and/or celebrities?

·     With reference to the British Television industry, explore how far your 3 main texts are global.

·     Explore how your 3 main texts use digital technology in their marketing.

·     How successful have your 3 main texts been for their industry?

·      ‘Most media texts target a range of different audiences’. How true is this of your 3 main texts?