Thursday 26 February 2015

Richard Dyer - Star Theory

Taylor Swift: Infograhic

ISP Task: Ed Sheeran

Questions to answer (in response to the key text and your wider knowledge and understanding)
  1. How has Ed Sheeran been constructed?
  2. How could Ed Sheeran be considered a commodity?
  3. What are the ideologies Ed Sheeran presents?
  4. Extension A/B: How could Ed Sheeran be considered a global text?
Construction, Commodity and Ideologies are the core sections of Dyer's star theory!

Repsond to these points with information you have gained as well as evidenced from the key text: MTV's documentary 'Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran'.

This is due on 03/03/15. It is essential you print this out for lesson (it will be checked) and then it will be placed in your folders as an tool for revision. 

Video is attached below. Link is available here.

Sunday 22 February 2015

March '15 - Karl's Group

ICT supported sessions will be held on Wednesday's from 16:20 - 18:20. This is the only guaranteed slot that will be supported. You can also work in the ICT room at lunchtimes independently.

Failure to submit coursework with the cover-sheets by the 27th will result in a failure to submit and your previously submitted coursework will be used.