Thursday 30 January 2014

MS3 Exemplar Coursework (Level 4)

Monday 27 January 2014


If Photoshop makes you feel like Phillip J. Fry does here. Then there are a few options which you could consider...

1. Attend the photoshop catch-up sessions which are scheduled between now and the first deadline. A time sheet will be available outside the ICT room so you can find a time that suits your schedule.

2. Discuss with us about being buddied up with a peer-mentor who can advise you with the progress, and help develop your skills.

3. Talk to either Louise, or myself and we can help!

4. Use the documents inside the following link. These are fantastic books that give you all the information needed on how to use Photoshop CS5. You can use "find" to search for a section you are stuck on and self teach.

Remember to use the appropriate dimensions for the media you are making.

  • A Poster should be A4.
  • A Magazine double page spread should be A3.
  • A Magazine cover should be A4 
  • DVD dimensions are below 

Sunday 26 January 2014

Dr Who - Day of The Doctor (TV Case Study 1)

In case you haven't been able to copy the video file onto a USB, or borrow a USB of myself. Here are a couple of links available so that you can watch the episode.

Remember, do not just watch the episode out of enjoyment. You need to be analytical and think about the following questions...

  • Representation of age 
  • Representation of gender
  • Genre conventions
  • Technical codes (audio & visual)
  • Narrative
  • What key scenes do you think we should discuss?

We will not have time to watch this in its entirety in class, and therefore watching it is of vital importance. 

We will be discussing this episode on 04/02/2014.

Any issues, drop me an e-mail. We can always arrange a screening over lunch, or after school. 

In case you missed the lesson, or want a copy of the PPT/the video file and the handouts press HERE 


Wednesday 22 January 2014

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Karl's A2 Media Class - Photography tutorial

Here's the images of your lovely mugs for the photoshop tutorial. Make yourself into a wonderful cover girl or guy!