Sunday 26 January 2014

Dr Who - Day of The Doctor (TV Case Study 1)

In case you haven't been able to copy the video file onto a USB, or borrow a USB of myself. Here are a couple of links available so that you can watch the episode.

Remember, do not just watch the episode out of enjoyment. You need to be analytical and think about the following questions...

  • Representation of age 
  • Representation of gender
  • Genre conventions
  • Technical codes (audio & visual)
  • Narrative
  • What key scenes do you think we should discuss?

We will not have time to watch this in its entirety in class, and therefore watching it is of vital importance. 

We will be discussing this episode on 04/02/2014.

Any issues, drop me an e-mail. We can always arrange a screening over lunch, or after school. 

In case you missed the lesson, or want a copy of the PPT/the video file and the handouts press HERE 


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