Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas Homework

Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS on completing MS3 Coursework! You will receive this back on the week commencing 12th January. If we think you have the potential for a resubmission to increase your grade, you will have automatically have the option to do so. If you have under performed due to a late submission or failure to hand in the work to a standard that reflects your ability, you will have to apply for a re-submission through our CTM. Full details will follow in the first week back.

Secondly, it's time to focus on the exam. You have a mock the first week back and this will test your current knowledge and what you have retained from MS1. This will give Louise and I a clearer idea of what areas to develop and what our focus should be on. Obviously we are not expecting you all to ace this, however it is paramount you do your best and this leads me onto the Christmas task.

The focus when studying these films is...

  • REPRESENTATION of gender (traditional/stereotypical or contemporary/positive?)
  • Conventions of the action GENRE (subvert or conform?)

There are three options to complete with option 1 being the best!

Option 1 <--- this is the one you want to do!

  • Watch all three key texts (Guardians of the Galaxy, Skyfall and Drive) and study the print-based media we have given you (complete a textual analysis!). Complete the pack for each film. Watching the condensed trailers would also be good as it gives a snapshot as to how the studio want the film to be viewed to the masses.
Option 2
  • Watch the trailers for all three key texts (Guardians of the Galaxy, Skyfall and Drive) and study the print-based media we have given you (complete a textual analysis!). Complete the pack for each film. 
Option 3
  • Study the print-based media we have given you (complete a textual analysis!) for all three key texts (Guardians of the Galaxy, Skyfall and Drive). Complete the pack for each film. 
During the first lesson back Louise and I will check the packs, failure to have completed this task to a good standard will result in a meeting with the CTM. It will also drastically limit your response in the mock exam?

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