Wednesday 3 December 2014


Hello all!

Just a friendly reminder about deadlines. 

You need to submit your MS3 coursework on the 18th December at the latest. By now you should have:

  • Handed in your second draft of the investigation and will be receiving feedback. Amendments should be made for your final hand-in. 
  • Printed out, or handed in a copy of your audio/visual project - you will the receive feedback for the final hand-in.
  • Start thinking about your evaluation! Although this is only worth 10% it is an essential piece of work and an easy way to boost up your grade!
If you are in need of support, guidance or assistance, remember you can attend a lunch-time support session (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and you can be allocated a peer-mentor who can give you support.

It is paramount that you hand the work in by the 18th - this will give Louise and myself the Christmas holiday to mark your work and we will know 50% of your final A2 grade.

Please hand work in in an project folder not a A4 ring-binder. Presentation of your work is key. You should be proud of this research investigation and show it off to its full potential!

Well done so far. You all have created some excellent work and your investigations have been a pleasure to read. Below is a .ppt on how to write an effective evaluation if you are struggling.

Christmas homework will be set next week - it is essential you complete this as you will be sitting a MS4 mock-exam in the first week back. This will gauge your initial understanding and will highlight areas for us to develop upon.

One final reminder; you need to make payments for your AS retakes before 12/12/15.

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